October 19, 2018

Cold and slightly rainy Wednesday evening didn’t deter enthusiastic cast and crew of the Canberra Youth Theatre.

Their new play ‘Faster’ is performed outdoors in the beautiful courtyard of the Gorman Arts Centre.

‘Faster will explore the speed at which our lives move as we journey through adolescence. It will investigate much of what happens to us biologically that is outside of our control and the consequences of that. Extreme feelings of anger and loneliness, intense love and happiness, along with greater independence in decision making that our brains may not actually be equipped to do.

Faster will be devised by the director and cast and employ live painting within the performance to enhance the delivery of the experience felt as the teenage brain releases hormones, trims synapses and grows its frontal lobe. The work will be performed outdoors incorporating physical theatre, lighting and sound designed specifically to tell this story at night’.

We documented the group’s very intensive preparation and dress rehearsal

More info about the performance:  http://www.cytc.net/production/faster-2/